Thursday, November 6, 2008

Financial Wizards

Today I wanted to write a short article on those who inspired me and planted the seed for the Semi-Frugal Lifestyle. First off my parents they are the perfect role model for my frugal lifestyle. I have learned more from them than they will ever know. I need to brag on them a little, they retired young. My Dad was 55 and Mom 50 when they retired and now they have so much life ahead of them. They have a farm which takes up a lot of their time. My Mom has gardens all over their 14 acre plot. They built and paid off their new home in less than 8 years. My Dad has stocks, bonds, mutual funds and various other investments socked away. Yes they too took a hit in the market like everyone else, but my Dad is a financial genius and he has a balanced portfolio, so even though they lost money, they didn’t loose too much. I could write all day about how they inspired me and what they taught me, but I think I need to move on to others.

Here is a short list of some of the people I have read and followed through out my short financial career.

  • Warren Buffett
  • Peter Lynch
  • Robert Kiyosaki
  • Donald Trump
  • Dave Ramsey
  • Suze Orman
  • Ben Stein
  • David Bach

Each and every one of these people has inspired me in ways they will never know. They are all amazing financial gurus in their own right. The success they have should serve as a model for each and every one of us who strive to become a financial whiz just like them.

In closing I would like to take the time to thank each and one of these fine individuals personally. They have taught me so much and will continue to do so. And without the push from my parents I would have never even gotten started. They are my mentors and I said before they have taught me more about finance and life than they will ever know. Thank you all!!

Comments, criticism, useful knowledge?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Semi-Frugal First Blog

Day 1

This is my first attempt at blogging on a subject I am passionate about. And I must give credit to those who inspired me to start this blog, FrugalDad and My Dollar Plan are 2 blogs I read daily. They both have taught me a lot about writing and blogging. I have many ideas that are running through my head on Semi-Frugal Living. Here is just a short list of a few of the ideas I have running around in my head.
  • Stock Market
  • The Dave Ramsey Way
  • Frugal Living
  • Debt Reduction
  • Real Estate

There are many more ideas, but for now I will focus on these.

The Stock Market

I am a stock market investor and yes I have weathered this crash. I did not sell any of my stocks, I held on sometimes with my finger on the sell button, but I held on. Actually I bought more stock. These are the times that make millionaires out of people. But, you must know when to buy and not sell your stock. I guess I am saying you have to have an iron gut, to weather out times like these.

Right now I have invested my money in Green stocks or Alternative Energy stocks as they are called. I believe that with the new president coming into office in January. The green stocks will have the support needed to explode. I think Barack Obama will make this a priority in his first term in office. Along with that we have the crashing economy, two wars to deal with and a host of other problems. But back to the subject of stocks. There are many incentives out there for start up companies and established companies a like to benefit, Congress has set aside billions of dollars to companies who can produce consumer level alternative energy solutions. Also, California is a big supporter in everything green. Don't believe me, just Google alternative energy and see what comes up.

This is all for now. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, it will get better with time and comments from viewers. If you have an opinion let me know, I want to grow this and make it into a successful Blog.

Comments, criticism, useful knowledge?